Saturday, October 24, 2009

What is the maximum height of a domestic garden hedge? (UK)?

A couple of years ago there was a big fuss over the heights on domestic garden hedges (mainly caused by laylandia hedges growing out of control) and I seem to think that some restrictions were introduced. If this is so can anyone tell me what is the maximum height that you can legally grow a hedge to. Is it 6ft?
It is 6ft
although you see lylandia higher the neighbor could ask for it to be chopped to 6 ft if they felt it was obstructing their view.
yes it is 6 feet
I think it depends where the hedge is. If it is possibly obstructing light from a window/door than it is 6ft. If on the other hand it is at the bottom of a garden, an adjoining field on the other hight restriction. Our trees at the bottom of the garden adjoining scrubland are more than 30 ft hight..................

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