Saturday, October 24, 2009

What is the law governing committees and AGMs?

Can you be more specific as there are quite a few "laws" and proffesional codes of conduct regarding Committees and AGM's depending on what type of group you are talking about and its constitution or terms of reference.
Unless we are talking about a Company or some official body (incorporated by law), there isn't one.

All Clubs %26 Societies will have Rules written in their Constitution (same applies to many official bodies). Go find the Constitution.

Annual General Meetings would be held once per year (there will be some Rules about how much notice must be give, what proportion of the members must attend (Quorum) and how Voting is conducted ('first past the post', 'single transferable vote', '50% + 1' and so on).

Committees are normally elected at the AGM - in some Clubs Committee members must be re-elected every year, in others Committee members are elected for longer periods eg. 3 or 5 years and elections only take place at that time (or when some-one resigns or looses a vote of no confidence)

There will be Rules on the calling of EGM's and how a call for a vote of 'no confidence' must be conducted (eg. first a petition of X% of the members or of N members etc) etc.

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