Saturday, October 24, 2009

What is the legal nightclubbing age in USA and what ID is required by a nightclub?

I am coming from the united kingdom on holiday and wanted to know what ID to bring along with the legal age for clubbing the USA
The legal drinking age in the US is 21 everywhere. You'll need some ID. Since your'e not American, I believe your passport will be good enough. The common ID being checked is a driver's license.
21 years of age....and a photo ID
mostly 21 and you need a state issued driver's license or identification card. some clubs will let you in at 18 just depends where your going
The age is 21. In the U.S. they take a driver's license. I would suggest you bring one from U.K. if you have it.
It's usually 18 or 21 depending on the club's policy. You would want an official government issued ID in order to get in.
It's 21 nationwide. And you will need a valid I.D. Card, as well as a drivers license. Good luck, have fun, and stay safe.
If you gots big jugs, jus show at da door and you will be cool !
21 is the legal age most places, although there are some over/under clubs that allow 18 yr olds. 21 is the legal drinking age in the US thats why most clubs only allow 21 and up. Most places require a picture ID with your DOB listed. You may have to use your passport. I know some corner stores wont accept anything but a state ID (no out of state ID's or military Id's accepted, not sure if some clubs require the same)

have fun and be safe
Mikeztheman is most correct...remember we are a federal system with federal and state it depends on state laws and club policy not federal laws.

In some places it is 18 and others it is 21...and it all depends on whether alcohol is served and what access do club goers have to it....some clubs have policies where they require patrons to be 25 or older due to the atmosphere created by younger adults....when you get here check with each individual club you intend to go to...or with whoever is here that you know....

As for ID if you have a driver's license or a state issued ID...something with your picture on it that shows your date of should be ok.
i think it depends on what state you are in in some its 18 in others its 21 so try to check on the drinking age on the state you are going to
it differs from state to state. The national legal average to get into a night club is 18 years of age and some might be 21 years of age. You need to bring your drivers license and some other form of identification with your birthday on there.
21 however in some states its 25

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