Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What is the statute of limitations for filing probate after someone passes away?

I am a widow but we were seperated , I found out that I am suppose to file probate on everything he had but I dont know what the time limit is on probate. His mother said I have no right to file but I am his widow so I was told I am the next of kin and I am the one who has to file it.
Statutes of limitations and, in this case, limitations, if any, on the time in which one must make filings, vary by state. You should contact the probate court clerk in your county, or, better still, consult with a local attorney.
There are statutes of limitations on claims against estates of decedents but there is no real statute of limitations on opening an estate itself. An "estate" can be opened long after an individual's death -- usually this is done to clear title to property. So long as there is a legally recognized need to open an estate, a court will entertain it.

What is the statute of limitations for DUI in San Diego? How long before the City Attorney files charges?

In CA, the DA has one year from the time you are arrested/cited to file a criminal complaint.
Lucky is correct, provided the DUI is a misdemeanor (and most are).

What is the statute of limitations for a felony in utah?

Depends on the felony.

Why? What did you do?
Yeah.......Why? What are you planning to do?
This is a question that is best put before an attorney. I would suggest contacting a criminal attorney in your area and asking him/her. Sometimes they even work on Saturdays. If you call a prosecutor, they'll want to needle you down to the name of the party, etc., so I would call a defense attorney or there are websites like "ask an attorney", etc.

I would maybe find one of those sites so you can anonymously put in your information and the felony type you're referring to and ask your question.

Hope this helps.
You'll have to be more specific. It depends on the felony, and which class. For example, there is no statute of limitation for murder or voluntary manslaughter in any state. Check with your local library in the reference section.

What is the statute of limitations on possession of firearms in CA?

The usual statute of limitations period for felonies in California is three years, and most firearms crimes are felonies. It is probable that this period applies to the offense you are concerned with, though there might be some firearms offense with a longer period that I am not considering.
This isn't the place for a question like this considering the "characters" that spend their days here.

My advice to you would be to call a defense attorney and, for a free over-the-phone consultation, get some idea of how the law applies in your situation.

Good luck!

What is the statue oflimation to collect for a medical bill that was to be paid by our lawyer in a settlement?

more detail is that our lawyer at the time ordered a machine for my sons wrist and we told the companywe did not want it and to come and get the machine they refused we tryed several times to contact tem and return it: it was never used they said no and we faxed serveral time to them now they are taking my son to small claims to collect the money.
statutes of limitations vary considerably from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. you'd have to provide more information if you want an answer.
Well you don't really give enough information. Was it a written agreement, a judgment, or what?

If you son is under 18, then it seems to me that he cannot be liable for a debt based on a contract.

What is the statue of limitations on filing a lawsuit from a car accident?

My father was involved in a car wreck almost a year ago and today was served papers. The police accident report faulted neither for the wreck and stated that neither party was hurt. The man involved never filed a claim with the insurance company for either the damage to his vehicle (which was just a minor scratch) or injuries sustained. Now he wants my dad to pay for damages, medical bills, lost wages, mental anguish, etc. He also wants a trial by jury for this. If anyone can give me some advice on this, I would greatly appreciate it and will supply additional information if needed. Thanks!
Well, you have not given a location, so it's tough to answer in a vacuum. However, there is no state which has a statute of limitations of less than one year to file a lawsuit for anything, so the plaintiff is within the limitations period.
I don't like the plaintiff's chances, simply based on his failure to file with his insurance company. Tell your father to contact his own insurance company immediately (the one he was insured with at the time of the accident)! They are responsible for claims. If they refuse to defend him, then he can implead the insurance company into the case.
I'm not sure but I think if he didn't seek medical treatment within 6 months it's to late to claim for that. He will have to prove the mental anguish by having gone to a head doctor for a certain amount of time. I'd get a lawyer but I don't think the guy has a chance. What a jerk!
2 years or 3 years depending on the state.
i just googled this issue and here is what the article told me... I hope that it helps you.

But before you get bumbed out that this happend over a year ago---don't let that discourage you from pursuing this case... Lawyers will know more about t
he different injury laws and the statutes that apply to them. So read on and I hope that your father and you will find some solace in this answer.

Because the Statute of Limitations applies to personal injury cases, victims have a limited time frame in which to file their case. It is important that you consult an attorney if you believe you have a claim, so that you protect your right to file suit.

In Massachusetts, you must prove that you have been injured by another party鈥檚 careless or reckless actions to win a personal injury claim. Personal injury victims (plaintiffs) can file one of several types of wrongful injury suits (torts) against defendants including:


Negligence 鈥?an individual鈥檚 act or failure to act has caused injury. While the act may be unintentional, the defendant is still liable for damages.


Strict liability - generally applies to product liability, which are claims filed against manufacturers and suppliers for dangerous products that cause injury.


Intentional misconduct 鈥?is the malicious or intentional infliction of harm that results in an injury or death. This type of claim is litigated under criminal law and punishment can include prison.


Comparative negligence 鈥?because the actions of the injured person may have contributed to their own harm, the negligence is divided between the injured party and the defendant and the damages are reduced accordingly.

Each of these suits has different guidelines, restrictions and damage award guidelines. Only an experienced lawyer who knows Massachusetts鈥?intricate personal injury laws, the court system and individual rights can effectively prove your physical and/or mental injury under state laws. Kantrovitz and Associates' attorneys will help you decide your best course of action and we will develop the best legal strategy for demonstrating your claim.

Physical personal injury can include disfigurement, loss of limb, permanent or disfiguring scars, disability, and loss of one of the five senses. Mental harm might include emotional trauma, mental anguish, embarrassment, loss of love and affection, or loss of enjoyment. Whether your injuries were caused by an accident, malicious intent, or a defect in a product鈥檚 design, production or labeling, you have the right to seek compensation for economic and non-economic damages.

Call Kantrovitz %26 Associates today to have your personal injury situation evaluated and to preserve your rights under the law. We can be reached at (800) 387-2860 or contact us via email at info@kantrovitzlaw.com.

Good Luck
Joanne W.
You have 2 years to file a lawsuit seeking damges. I just went through the same thing, a car accident....you have 2 years. I am 100% positive on that. Good Luck

What is the statue of limitation on possesion of alchol as a minor?

I was charged back in 1999 in Ohio and don't really remember everything that happened in court. I recieved a letter in the mail from the local bmv 4/11/2007 about a block. I called and the courts stated i missed a court date in 2000 and have a warrent and need to come in. I never recieved anything in the mail on this until now and have lived at the same house for 27 years. What could happen? What should I do. I am scared and have a family now. I have never been in any trouble besides this.
There is no statue of limitation on a bench warrant. You better take care of this issue because ignoring it won't make it go away. Get a lawyer.
Contact an attorney. It should have been dismissed when you turned 18, but maybe you put the wrong address down or mixed up the numbers of the address and the letter never got to you, or for that matter, the person who completes the letters put the wrong address on the envelope (although you'll probably never be able to prove that). Let the attorney clear up the matter. It may cost a couple of hundred to fix it with an attorney, but it is better than going to jail, don't you think?
If you missed a court date, your immediate response should be to contact the court to see what you need to do about the warrant that has been issued. If you missed a court date, you may have already been convicted. I understand that you are scared, but coming to a message board of mostly teenagers and other miscellaneous people is not the way to go. YOU NEED TO CALL THE COURT ON MONDAY--Pronto.

In any case, if you have already been indicted and charged, then the statute of limitation would not apply. If the case has not been prosecuted, you could move to dismiss on "speedy trial" grounds. In any case, call the court and see what is going on.
Do NOT go in...as soon as you show up they will call an officer to come in and arrest you. But, DO call an attorney. If you have an open warrant, then you are free game. As long as they can show proof that they mailed the notice to you, well...you are SOL. So, call the lawyer.

What is the significance of the marbury vs. madison case?

judicial review
It allowed the federal government to run roughshod over the states. John Marshall -- geez, what a Chief Justice. What a shame.
In short, it established the principle of judicial review by the courts to decide the constitutionality of laws or statutes passed by the legislative and/or executive branches.
It set important prescient, one that is still used today.

What is the significance of the drett scott case?

Dred Scott. It is a black moment in our history. How wrong it was for a man to have to sue to be declared a citizen. A very black day in our history when the court ruled against him. This just proves that political appointments of fat, old, white men is and was bad for our country.

Bush's court is now making decisions that will go down in history as black days in our history also.
Property rights, in the absence of the (second) 13th Amendment.

It was wrong, but it was the Court's duty to follow the law in those days, not to write it.
Dred Scott v. Sandford, also known as "the Dred Scott Case" or the "Dred Scott Decision", was a lawsuit decided by the United States Supreme Court in 1857 that ruled that people of African descent, whether or not they were slaves, could never be citizens of the United States, and that Congress had no authority to prohibit slavery in federal territories. The decision for the court was written by Chief Justice Roger Taney.

The decision sided with border ruffians in the Bleeding Kansas dispute who were afraid a free Kansas would be a haven for runaway slaves from Missouri. It enraged abolitionists. The polarization of the slavery debate is considered one of many factors leading to the American Civil War.

The parts of this decision dealing with the citizenship and rights of African-Americans were explicitly overturned by the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution.
It ruled that people of African descent, whether or not they were slaves, could never be citizens of the United States, and that Congress had no authority to prohibit slavery in federal territories. This went against the Missouri Compromise and caused the divide between the North and the South to grow larger.
Dred Scott was a black slave, who was born into slvery and unsuccessfully sued for his freedom. The signifigance is that Dred and his wife were living in a State where slavery was illegal (Illinois) at the time that the suit was brought and it raised the issue of what are a slaves rights when they relocated to a free State.
I'll explain it to you the way a great professor of mine did to me.

The Court basically had two options: A--rule that he was free, and anger the South, or B--rule he was not, and anger the North. However, they, in a clver clever move, chose option C, and evaded the hatred of both (Well, to some extent, at least.).
Why are you asking these grade-school questions that can be answered in an instant on the net? Are you practising to teach your 5th grade class?

What is the required sick days a employer is to give employee?

None, depending on the State where you reside, unless you can prove you by a Dr.'s excuse that you are medically unable to work and possibly qualify for FLMA.

"Sick Days" are usually set by the employer as to what is allowed, unless there is a verifiable disablity.
Sick days just like vacation days are employer decided benefits. They don't have to offer either one. Now if you AND your employer (this half is important because not all employers qualify under the law to have to offer the protection) qualify under the FMLA Act they must grant you up to 12 weeks UNPAID leave in a rolling 12 month period.

For information on this goto www.dol.gov and click on one of the links for FMLA. They'll have the rules to see if you qualify, and if your employer qualifys for you to use FMLA protection for unpaid time off.

What is the relevance of fault in tort and contract?

law, liability
An example might assist the explanation.
A common tort is negligence. EG: your employer allows you to work at a machine which is defective and dangerous and you are injured. The employer's fault (in permitting the machine to be used when it was unsafe) is an essential ingredient in the tort and the tort cannot be established without the fault.
Fault may mean blameworthiness, but it is not always necessary to establish that the tortfeasor (the person who commits the tort) knew he was doing or not doing something blameworthy.
Fault in contract is much rarer (almost unheard of), and almost wholly unnecessary.
For example: If you agree to buy a car, and put down a deposit. On the way to pay the balance, you are mugged, all your money stolen and are in hospital for six months during which time your house is reposessed and your wife leaves you.
No-one could say it is your 'fault' that you did not complete the transaction nor would anyone blame you.
But you are in breach of contract and the failure to complete the contract means you are liable to pay the seller damages for breach. the 'fault' if there is one - is the failure to abide by the terms of the contract.
So - in short - in tort, fault is very relevant, generally an essential ingredient: in contract, the exact opposite.
Tort is French for wrong. A tort claim is when you are finding a fault or wrong doing. Violating a contractual agreement by not following the intended action the contract was intended to have is not a tort.

tort (t么rt)
n. Law.
Damage, injury, or a wrongful act done willfully, negligently, or in circumstances involving strict liability, but not involving breach of contract, for which a civil suit can be brought.

What is the relationship between forensic science and law ?

Forensic Science is used in the collection and preservation of evidence gathered at a crime scene. It is also used in the recreation of criminal acts. Many law enforcement agencies have officer that specialize in this field and or send evidence to Forensic labs for analysis. However, it's nothing like TV. There are multiple factors involved in the processes conducted by the forensic scientist. It's not a quick process it takes time for the pieces to fall into place and for the investigation to be complete.
Forensic science is used to provide evidence of what happened. In a court of law, facts must be proven using evidence. So, the findings of forensic scientists can be admitted as expert testimony and evidence when attempting to prove facts in a civil or criminal matter.
Forensic science is helper of law.It proves fact of a legal case in courts.
forensic science is the study that helps you prove the law...it is an important part of judgement at a court, based on which the judge or juror takes the final decision.it includes studying for clues, witnesses, why the clues were the way they are..and not in any other form....
crime and evidence

What is the qualification of the crime if a mother voluntary refuses to kill her newborn child?

Hello everyone!
I am writing a report at uni and i need a help of experts very much.
What is the qualification of the crime if a mother voluntary refuses to kill her newborn child?
I would like to find out, what will be the qualification of the crime if a mother makes a voluntary refusal to kill her newborn child in circumstances of her mind disturbtion while giving birth to her child or directly after it, HOWEVER BEFORE HER REFUSAL SHE HAS CAUSED BODILY HARM TO HIM.
Do you think it is fair, that she will be liable for much graver crime (bodily harm) after she voluntary un completely refused to accomplish crime with mitigating factors?
I would be so much thankful to all of you if you could inform me how this nonsence is regulated in U.S. and other countries.
You should think about the question further before posting it. The way that you have it written is very confusing. First of all, WHY would a mother EVER want to KILL her newborn child. In every way, this is illegal, not to mention horrific. Second, what do you mean, "Voluntarily"? Are you saying that she is being asked to MURDER her newborn child? Because that's what it is.
its not a crime so dont worry so much
The only nonsense I see is your question...Have someone that can speak the language ask your question for you.

What is the purpose of a hearing?

Does a hearing determine weather there is going to be a trail or not? if so what is the criteria for making such a decision? Whats the difference between a trail and a hearing? are there always hearings is this standard procedure even in civil cases where someone sues the state or government?
A hearing as held to "hear" the arguments of both sides on a certain matter. It is not the same thing as a trial, however, depending on what it being "heard" it can essentially determine the outcome of the matter.

To sum it up.... it all depends on what the hearing is on and what the case is about. If you filed a motion to compel documents, for example, there would be a hearing if the other side did not produce the documents within the time allotted and if every attempt has been made to get those documents. The Judge would hear your side, as well as the other's side argument against it, and decide, RULE, on the motion. The case is not over, but that particular problem has now been resolved.

There could be MANY hearings before the case is ever tried. I've been involved in suits filed three years ago, have been to court for many hearings, and still no trial date has been set.
to hear...listen...duh!
There are legal guidelines for a Judge to follow to determine if there is sufficient evidence for a trial.
That is a hearing. He may schedule a trial or dismiss it.
The government likes to piss us off and go twice, a hearing is just like the waiting room in the dentist office, maybe you'll have cavities and have to come back again (yay) or maybe you get to go free...until next time.
A hearing determines if there is enough evidence to bring the case to trial.

What is the punishment, under law, if someone posts your picture on the internet without your consent or sends

it in emails???
Your punishment is having naked pictures on the web. Whats the question?
I don't think there is any law or punishment for doing that.

If it was a professional copyrighted photo, then maybe, but otherwise, don't think a problem with doing so without consent.

If you stupidly posed for a naked picture... then it would be an embarrassment, probably, but not punishable unless copyrighted. Me thinks.
an insult?
No punishment as it is no crime.
Depending of course that your privacy was not being violated when the photo was taken and the nature of the photo does not imply a falsehood about you or is an unneccessary attack on your character.
it depends on what country you are in , in many places its a civil matter , its a copyright violation , or a violation of the right of publicity.

If its a picture taken without consent it may be a criminal matter of assualt.
There is no provision in the criminal codes about this unless it is copyrighted. But you can get a lawyer to send letter to them telling them to take it down. If after this letter it is not taken down you can pursue civil leagal action (suing them)
it should fall under the the same laws to the right to privicy.

What is the punishment in New York State for driving with a suspended license?

30 days in the electric chair.
JAIL and being FINED
Hilton got 45 days in jail in CA, so I would assume about the same, that or a fine.
Jail time just like Paris Hilton!!!
Jail. But I wouldn't care to much for that. Punishment will be much worse if you have an accident. Even if it was not your fault. Think what will happen to you if someone dies. Also, you won't be covered by any insurance policy.
11. A violation of any provision of this section shall be punishable by a fine of not less than seventy-five nor more than three hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for not more than fifteen days, or by both such fine and imprisonment except, if the violation consists of failure
to renew a license which was valid within sixty days, the fine shall be not more than forty dollars, and except that a violation of subdivision seven or eight of this section shall be punishable by a fine of not more than seventy-five dollars.

What is the punishment for someone who embezzled $300,000 from their company? It is their first time offense.?

First offense or not........someone is in a whole heap of trouble.
can i barrow some money?
according to Islam ,should cut his hand
Less than the guy caught smoking weed for the third time.
A women in Iowa did that with the same amount of money. She got ten years. That was her first offense too. But because of her first offense, she recieved a lesser charge and only got probation. Depends on the Judge. If by Jury it could be different. So what does this tell you ? If your the one who is guilty of first offense embezzelment, of this large amount of money, then hopefully, you realize the horrible crime you have committed. In some countries the hands would be chopped off. The worse thing is the ruined reputation. Never to be trusted again.
hard time or probation depending on the judge assigned to the case. more than likely though they'll end up doing at least some time behind bars because of the hefty amount that was ripped off by the defendant regardless if it was their first offense. it's an offense nonetheless and that in itself is unlawful.

What is the punishment for a maid stealing things in the house?

Our maid stole so many things in our house. We were suspicious of her for the past weeks and now we are SURE that she is stealing things from our house as my mother investigated her bag with several witnesses. She stole 3 of my sisters clothes, 1 school uniform and expensive "Branded" black pants, money from my piggy bank, my ENTIRE wallet with all the money in it, my other money savings, (and these money are HUGE amounts, around Php 8000 --- that's around 40 US dollars..)

Note that we are SURE that she was the one who did all these.

What could we do?? What could be the punishment for doing this kind of act? We want to punish her for what she did...
She sounds like a petty thief. In that case, fire her. Make a report with the police. Or, you are not paying her enough and she is hungry and steals to pay her bills. Do not punish her if she is already poor. She may join a group of freedom fighters someday, overturn your oligarchy elite and come find you, burn your house down and hang you and your family in the streets as her "punishment" for YOU. Punishment is a practice that people learn. Do you really want to teach people to be "punishers"? Discuss this with her, possibly fire her, but let the incident go if she is poor and hungry and consider paying your slaves . . . oops . . . I mean "domestics", a wage that they can live on.
Can't you just report it to the police?

You shouldn't have checked her bag without her permission though.

I'm assuming you've already fired her. That would solve the problem right there.
You're not the only one who has been stolen by the maids.... just fire her. I personally don't have the heart to call the police. Sometimes poverty and need make you do the wrong things.
If she's hot, you could bend her over the dining table and give her a good "talking".
Usually, household items are tired and old clots, if some one likes them, hell, no problem. I don't care, you?

Second, try a more giving and sharing spirit. You will not able to take it with you after you past, so why let that to consume you?

Lastly, well, is she pretty? you may negotiate a deal with her. There must be something that can be done, correct?

What is the proper procedure in securing an attorney for slaunder issues?

names and contact numbers for reference
We can't answer this unless we know where you are. In my state, you can call the state bar office for referrals.
Slander is a hard thing to prove in court. Make sure you have your proof before you start. Witnesses and recordings work great.
As far as getting a lawyer, Google it. There are not many lawyers that will take on a slander case, because there is alot of 'hearsay' in them. You will have to reseach this.
County/State legal services can direct you. Call your county courthouse. Then you just call the attorneys office and make an appointment. The attorney will give you a figure for a retainer. Slander? You probably will spend more time and money than its worth. Think about it for a while before you proceed. In this kind of case the attorney gets paid if you win or lose, therefore no attorney will refuse to take your case. They only refuse when they are not getting paid unless you win, and they know you have very little chance of winning.
Choose the best lawyer in your locality and acceptance is usually with a consideration to be made between the contracting parties.

What is the proper heading when writing a judge of a circuit court?

Hon. (judge's name)
Judge, (Court District) ex. 17th Judicial Circuit
(State Court) ex. State of Illinois
City, state, zip

Dear Judge (insert his/her last name) :

Sign the letter "Respectfully", then your signature block.
Usually, you refer to a judge as "Your Honor", but in letters, I don't know if there's something specific. You could say "Attn: Judge %26lt;name%26gt;", if you know the name.

What is the process of making a statutory instrument?

It's fairly straightforward. The governing legislation is first passed by parliament. The Government Minister named by the Act can then make Statutory Instruments from time to time as required.

Say, for example, the Act says you can only hunt various wild mammals and birds if you have the appropriate licence. Over time, the fees charged for the licences will need to be adjusted for inflation. The closed seasons for hunting will also need to be lengthened or shortened for conservation purposes.

It would be too much bother for Parliament to pass a new Bill every time small changes like the above needed to be made. Instead, the Act allows the Minister to make certain small changes on his/her own initiative. This is called delegated legislation and it's done by means of a Statutory Instrument. Generally, the Minister's officials and legal advisers will draw it up and the Minister signs it. The final decision is, of course, the Minister's.

The above is the position in Ireland, anyway. It's essentially the same in the UK and Commonwealth countries.

Wikipedia will give you more information.
parliament needs to pass a law

What is the process in ratificating a law in the United States?

Well there is the way it was supposed to be and the real way.

A law can be started by either house (Senate or Congress) or by the President. It is discussed, voted on and then sent to the other house for approval. Upon approval by both the President signs it into law. (thats the way it was supposed to be)

The way it happens today is, its started by either house or by President, its faced with strict opposition by the opposing party until side items, grants, pork and other 'freebies' for people to garnish their votes are added to the bill. Then it faces an uphill climb by people left out of the process (or receiving their share of pork or line items). Eventually it makes it way into the other house, where even MORE crap is added on to it, such that half the time the additions are 20 times more than the original law. Once approved by both the House and Senate, it goes to the President, who, will veto it if it is not overwhelmingly approved (beyond veto range), or sign it, or if the President is in the opposite party than whoever sponsored the bill, its dead in the water. (This is closer to what really happens.)

This is also the reason why our politicians dont want the President to have "line item" veto powers and that the government does well when you have an equal number of Repubs to Dem, because nothing gets done!
You never saw the School House Rock, I'm just a Bill?
Go get the CD School House Rocks from the old 80's cartoons. There is a song about ratification of a bill. Very catchy and you won't forget it.

What is the proceedure to give complaint about nuisance?

That is a pretty broad statement. First of all it would depend upon what the nuisance is. Is there a county or city ordinance against it and what department would handle it?

If it is a dog problem you would call animal control. If it is the neighborhood kids flipping you the bird, there is not much that can be done. If it is loud noise it depends if there is a noise ordinance. If it is a train blowing its whistle as it goes by during the night there is nothing you can do about that.
Probably if you call the police department they can direct you to the the right place or let you know that nothing can be done.
In England anyway you go to police and complain.
Your query is a bit too general. Is a neighbour creating the nuisance, a co-worker who's being a nuisance, is it someone's dog that's being a nuisance in your yard? There are many kinds of nuisance and places where it can occur. But as a generality it's very simple. There's no need to be hostile or aggressive in the matter. Aggressiveness usually only makes matters worse. Keep your cool and simply speak to the person you feel is responsible for creating the nuisance and explain your situation. If they become angry or hostile which sometimes happens ask them to calm down and remain civil. If the issue isn't resolved and is a tenancy disagreement, contact your landlord. If it's a workplace issue, talk to your supervisor or someone higher up. If it's some other dispute you can inquire at your local police department (don't call 911). If that doesn't work have a lawyer advise you of your rights in the matter and have him issue a letter of warning if possible. Depending on the severity of the nuisance you can probably sue if the instigator of the nuisance has not stopped after repeated warnings. You need to show psychological or physical distress caused by the nuisance. Your lawyer will be able to advise you. But use the legal route only as a last resort. It can get expensive and there is no guarantee you will win. But most people will take a lawyer letter very seriously. Nobody wants to be litigated.
the procedure to give complaint about nuisance in two ways
1.to concern public nuisance officer in-charge
2.nuisance may clasified into two catogries
a.public nuisance-pil may file in the h.c
b.private nuisance-this complaint should file under pecuniary or territorial jurisdiction of the municif court
Go to concenred department, police or magistrate. You may face nuisance at all above places. It is not easy to lodge complaint.
nuisance of what. U can file a civil suit
Depends on what you mean by nuisance. I presume you are in India.

If it is a municipal nuisance such as fouling of pavements, garbage etc., complain to the concerned ward of the municipality. Follow up within 15 days with a Right to Info application demanding what action they have taken on your complaint. They are obliged to reply within 30 days. You can buy a copy of Right to Information Act, 2005.

If it is nuisance such as offensive behaviour by any person/s in a public place, make a written complaint to the local police station. Get an acknowledgment on your written complaint and follow up under RTI Act after 15 days as above. Otherwise if they register an NC, follow up with RTI Act.

I have personally found that in any matter, if you submit a written complaint to the concerned public authority and follow up under RTI Act, you will sooner or later get positive results.

Hope this helps.

What is the procedure/time frame for marrying a woman then adopting her child if the adoption is uncontested?

This woman has never been married, and the biological father of the child has shown no interest in the child. If it matters any, this would all occur in Missouri.
Well it all depends, the biological father may not care about the child but he may still have parental rights. I would first find out if he has parental rights. If you are serious about this you need to retain a lawyer specifically a family specialty lawyer. This will cost some money but it will be worth it. The lawyer will know all of the legalities and will file all important papers. There will be a court case to detrmine if you are a fit father. You need to rember that you will be the father even if you get divorced this meand you will have to fight for custody and possibly pay child support. it will be like you were the biological father. Here is a website that may help but i suggest talking to a lawyer for good measure. http://laws.adoption.com/statutes/missou...
I hope i helped you!
If you feel close to the child by all means adopt her as that is the most wonderful thing for any person to have. The first thing to do is make sure the biological father has paid his share of the money owed to the mother for the child before you adopt as it is his responsibility as a man and father to do.
You probably could do the adoption right after. This was my exact situation also. We got married and my husband adopted my daughter 10 months later. The only reason we had to wait that long is because the biological father did not want to sign the papers at first. He wanted to give her up for adoption because he didn't want to pay child support anymore and agreed to it before I got married. By that time he hadn't seen her in a very long time. It was uncontested, none the less. As far as I knew there was no time limit, as long as all the papers were signed.
The biological father has to surrender his rights, and then you can adopt the child as soon as you are married.

What is the procedure when inrent wants to reposses your goods?

I have had inrent after me for a while, I paid my bills on time every month for 8 months then they told me they didnt have any records of it, Ive tried everything to sort it out, but one person says one thing and the next says something different, so I've given up and I'm not going to pay the bill at all as money will just be going down the drain or onto someone elses bill. now they told me today they are taking legal action "immediatly" I really don't want them to take my fridge, so I need to know what is going to happen, is there any way I can stop it? If I say they cant come in, can they get a warrent?
If they have a registered lien on your fridge then they will get an order of reposession and pick it up.

You can't say "no" to a court order.

Then again, I can't see them going to all that trouble and expense for a fridge.
Seems to me there's probably more to this than what you are telling. You surely have a record of it. Cancelled checks. Receipts. If you paid cash at the place of business the person you paid would surely remember you. There's always a paper trail. I don't think your coming clean with us. I have twin daughters and I know how this works. Sorry.

What is the procedure that needs to be followed in order to change your first name legally?

I made an appointment with a solicitor, took along my passport and birth certificate and driving license, paid about $50 for the name change and another $25 for another solicitor to act as a witness. That was it, I was given a Change of Name Deed and 10 signed copies to use to alter legal documents. That was it, it took about twenty minutes! So easy. Good luck!
try a search cause this has been asked A LOT!
Nope. No reason necessary. Just hire an attorney, pay $$$$, and you'll have your new name.

What is the procedure of legacy transfer to son after father's death?

land/property on father's name and required to update all records for future
On death of father if he died intestate i.e. left no will, then with the help of his death certificate make an application to the registrar office where the immovable property in his name has been registered for mutation wherein the name of all legal heir of the deceased will be added on the record. This mutation is necessary for any transfer of such immovable property in future without which the legal heir of the deceased will not be able to sell this property.
Please accept my apologies.
with the certificate of death go th the local office (court) and transfer his movable and non movable property on your name. It not easy as you know this is India, and every one is corrupt. every one is looking for something. But not impossible.

What is the procedure for aquiring a Gun licence In India ?

An application for the grant of license shall be made to the licensing authority and shall be in such form, contain such particulars and be accompanied by such fee, if any, as may be prescribed.
On receipt of an application, the licensing authority shall call for the report of the Officer in charge of the nearest police station on that application, and such Officer shall send his report within the prescribed time.
The Licensing Authority, after such inquiry, if any, as it may consider necessary, and after considering the report received as mentioned above, shall subject to the provisions of the Act, by order in writing either grant the license or refuse to grant the same.
However where the Officer in charge of the nearest police station does not send his report on the application within the prescribed time, the licensing authority may, if it deems fit, make such order, after the expiry of the prescribed time, without waiting for that report.
However where the Officer in charge of the nearest police station does not send his report on the application within the prescribed time, the licensing authority may, if it deems fit, make such order, after the expiry of the prescribed time, without waiting for that report.
A license where the license is required-
By a citizen of India in respect of a smooth bore gun having a barrel of not less than twenty inches in length to be used for protection or sport or in respect of a muzzle-loading gun to be used for bona fide crop protection.
In respect of a point 22 bore rifle or an air rifle to be used for target practice by a member of a rifle club or rifle association licensed by the Central Government.
A license, if the license authority is satisfied that the person by whom the license is required has a good reason for obtaining the same.
Ask pinarayi vijayan
To get Arms licence, apply to Police head of your state in India. If you have need, you may get licence for iron gun.
Another VT aspirant ? why do you need gun for
when you can eat lot of gram (Channa)
and am sure the gas is enough to do the killing.

What is the procedure of defensive asylum in sixth circuit?

after taken fingerprints what next?

Do NOT go to court without an attorney!! Your chance of receiving asylum without an attorney is about 1 in 40. Send me an email: mtp@mail.utexas.edu . I am a law student and have represented a few people in asylum hearings.

What is the probability of these lawsuits being settled out of court.?

My son and 3 other 1st graders were molested in school last year over a period of 3 months by a teachers son in the school right next to the Superintendants office. This perpitrator was a high school student who was allowed to roam free due to his mother being a teacher. The school was also aware that he has molested other children in the past. The 1st graders were NOT supervised and hence this hideous act. All of the parents of the 1st graders have current lawsuits against the school and the parents of the perpiptrator. I am wondering if anyone knows of similar cases and out comes ( please reference). I am also asking if anyone could tell me how long this lawsuit could take. I desperatly want to get my child out of this school district. Thank You
This situation NEEDS to be per sued. You %26 the other parents should own that school district when this is all said %26 done. I understand you wanting to get your son away from all of this but justice must prevail!
(0) -- to the top question, something like 98% of all civil lawsuits settle. The general pattern for cases like these are either (a) they settle quickly (because the school wants to minimize the bad press, providing the school's insurance company is on board) or (b) they go to trial (if the school board wants to "clear the school's name" and they think they have good defenses on the merits.) You should talk to your lawyer about his views.
(1) Lawsuits can take a long time -- some get going and settle right away, some languish for years due to procedural slow downs or even the court's overcrowded docket. Big cases, with big numbers, often last 2-3 years, depending upon the attorneys working the case, the court's docket, and slowdowns. Here, however, if there's basically no question that this high school student did the things he's accused of, it may resolve quickly because no school wants this terrible publicity (unless the school is denying liability...)
(2) There are databases available to show verdicts in similar cases that plaintiffs' attorneys have access to. That would be your best source.
(3) Getting your child out of the district will depend upon your state's law related to "open enrollment" or the "voucher" system. Contact an education law attorney for the best information there. You may also be able to contact your school's administration for information about open enrollment (or whatever your state calls it). Also, that could be a settlement condition that you need to express to your attorney.

Good luck, and best to your son.

What is the prison time for an unpaid fine in California? the fine being about 1000 dollars?

You will probably do a maximum of weeks in county jail, depending on the county where you were fined (In Los Angeles County, it's more like 2 days.) BTW, prison is only for convicted felons.
Probably NOt prison, but a bit of county jail time or community service. Have you tried calling them to work out a payment plan or make new arrangements? Try that before you have a heart attack or go underground!

What is the primary purpose of the laws of Bankruptcy?

The primary purpose of the laws of Bankruptcy are: (1) to give an honest debtor a "fresh start" in life by relieving the debtor of most debts, and (2) to repay creditors in an orderly manner to the extent that the debtor has property available for payment.

Bankruptcy allows the debtor to resolve his debts through the division of his assets among his creditors. Additionally the declaration of bankruptcy allows debtors to be discharged of most of the financial obligations, after their assets are distributed, even if their debts have not been paid in full. During the pendency of a bankruptcy proceeding, the "Debtor" is protected from extra-Bankruptcy action by creditors by a legally imposed "stay."

For legal help, Visit

To restructure your debt so you can pay it off.
So businesses can go bankrupt, you get to pay their bills by higher prices and they just start another business with a clean slate!

That is how many slumlords operate. They buy apts that are about to be condemned, charge the max as usually tho poor have little as far as credit, pockets the money, never pays a bill until the bank or city takes the dilapidated houses!

What a racket!
Check out this website which has a detailed explanation of the laws of bankruptcy. This might answer your question. Good luck!

What is the price range of celexa in a Canadian pharmacy?

Actually I am not aware of the price range of celexa in Canadian pharmacies but you can get that information by going to www.canadafarmacy.info/canada-...
On line search reveals you can get months supply of celexa 20mg for $40 shipping free.

What is the position on capital punishment/death penalty?

Your question is not clear.
We need more of it.

3rd felony and you're wiped out.

You can accidentally commit one felony. I can understand if you do two on accident. 3 felonies and you're nothing but a bad mark on society who contributes nothing but giving police and prison guards jobs.
abortions are murder, but war and capital punishment are gods will
Your question makes NO sense. The only positions I know of are they can ly down and get leathal injection or sit in the electric chair, or stand with a rope around their neck.
I feel that it doesn't really accomplish anything. I understand that it's human nature to want revenge especially for those who commit very despicable crimes like raping and murdering children, but if we as a society want to evolve and distant ourselves from primitiveness we must abolish the death penalty because it perpetuates a cycle of violence that's deeply rooted in animalistic instincts. Also you can't fight barbarism with barbarism. It's not the message we want to send to future generations.
A total waste of money, court time, financial resources, and intelligence. In short: its stupid.

Give them life without parole or probation. Then they have to survive in a jungle every day for the rest of their lives, instead of hanging out in solitary confinement on death row for decades, waiting to die.
I am a supporter of capital punishment. After 21 years in law enforcement I know there are people out there who are truly evil and enjoy hurting others. Do I think the man who accidentally kills someone when he is drunk or the person who kills during a crime of passion deserve the death penalty, no. But the person who kills simply for the thrill of seeing someone die, the robber who kills everyone in the business so there are no witnesses, or the hired killer with no regard for human life...yes. They can never be rehabilitated or become postive contributors to society. Why should we pay for their upkeep, food, clothing, and medicine? In 2001 the lowest average cost per inmate was $8,100 in Alabama...the highest $44,300 in Maine. Average cost was $22,600 per inmate. I hate to think how much it is costing consumers in this day and time. That money could better be spent to help victims' families or rehabilitate juvenile offenders.
I like Cricket's answer.

What is the policy on barring people from clubs and pubs?

Do peole ultimately have to give you a reason? Can you take legal advice? Person is barred for life.......the manager who barred them sent hate texts which have been logged and the manager was cautioned, but has barred the person from the club for no reason apart from disliking them???? any ideas???
i would suppose that if you are the owner of the club, then you are entitled to do what you like, apart from the fact that if you bar people for not liking them you may have no business left!!
if you are the manager then you will have to go along with the rules of what the owner has set. the person in question should take it up with the owner of the club if it is a serious issue.
I used to be a licencee and I could bar anyone and not have to give a reason. At the end of the day it's their property and if they don't want you there it's their choice.
Licensees and managers have the right to bar anyone from their premises for any reason, wihtout necessarily stating that reason. Generall business sense ays though that is usually trouble-makers or people who have been barred elsewhere, but itis not always the case.

However if a manager has been sending hate texts different issue and is a matter for the police - its harrasment.

But there is not thing you can do regarding being un-barred.
If the manager or owner of any establishment does not want your presence he can without any stated legal reason or recourse to law bar a person for any period that he thinks fit. The sending of text messages which may or may not be "hate" mail could be actionable under law as libel or slander but the grounds are a little shaky to say the least. In my home towns the Licensed Victuallers Association (all pubs and clubs are members) publish in every pub and club a list of people who are barred from every pub and club in the town.Best to forget it and find a new hobby.
The licence holder of a licenced premises can bar or ban any person they wish to without giving any reason what so ever.

An offence is committed if that person then trys to gain addmission
There is an unwritten law in the UK, which clearly allows pubs to be filled with ugly dick head football morans, getting drunk on half a glass of lemonade, and if you think that is rubbish, you have a look around the pub when you next vist.

And if you find someone staring at you, then you are obviously an ugly dick head football wanker.

What is the policy of rape in canada?

its got something to do w/ a song link is http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/view.php... it is #16 on the list. Can someone clarify if what they state in this song is true?
It depends if the moose is wearing provocative clothing or not.
Didn't listen to the link, but rape is illegal in Canada.
You are not supposed to do it.
Couldn't be bothered to listen to a song.. what does it have to do with rape. And yes, of course , it is illegal in Canada. Isn't it in your little world?

What is the phone number to the harris county jail.. and how do i find out what my boyfriend is charged with?

He was arrested yesterday, I've called th bail bonds people. and they told me there was no bond. can some one please help me. thanx
No bond means no court has heard the case and decided that there should be a bond available yet; or he's been turned down. Call the clerk of court for the county they will have the case info.

Texas I assume?

713-755-6575 Court Administrator
run and run fast - noone needs a jailbird loser for a boyfriend
You do know that there are probably a thousand Harris counties,don't you? If I was you I would pick up the phone book and look for Sheriff's office. If there is no bail, he ain't getting out.
For phone numbers try www.anywho.com. Can't help with the other fortunately I don't have any experience in that area.

Sway, you make me LAUGH!

What is the percentage in child support to pay??? for 3 kids?

it is all about how much you make then the will brake it down per kid if you make a lot then you pay a lot sorry!!
That depends on the state you live in.
Rules vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
if yur talking money then my mom pays child support for two teenagers me and my bro she pays 200 dollars a month good luck
Yes it depends on the state and your income. A rough estimate is 1/3 of your monthly salary.

What is the penalty in the District of Columbia for the sale of less than 5 grams of crack cocaine?

What does DC law or federal law say about this?
If your the Mayor of DC, there is no penalty.

They just say it was the white man out to get a brother.
You get to be mayor. Ooops. Did I go to far?
your screwed. ANd probably some jail time. Probation time and a fine.
How to regulate the drugs as if a major drug dealer is caught the jail term is not enough to save the lives that the drug dealer has destroyed.Physcological murder and pysical murder is wrong even through government drugs .I think that the major drug dealer should be feed his or her own drugs until thaey cannot eat no more.The movie fat pizza shows the use of drugs taking and a naive football player decided to be part of the production without nowing that his responsibility as a footballer is an example for the children.The should be zero tolerence for base( not fully processed drugs that are pure) drugs like crack cocaine and heroin.Lebanese drugs dealers who flood sydney streets with crack , meth and ecstacy should be shot on site.

What is the penalty for possession of a firearm by a felon in Ga? Currently on probation?

My boyfriend is currently surveing a 15 year probation sentance(1 year complete). For 2 counts of felony child abuse(dont ask its a bunch of bull). When moving his stuff out of his ex-girlfriends house, he went and got his hunting rifle. They called the sherrif and he was arrested. Any idea on what his punshiment will be?
Your boyfriend needs to hire an attorney, and quickly. Possible punishment is 1) revocation of probation, which would require that he serve his complete sentence on the child abuse convictions, and 2) additional charges for possession of a firearm by a felon, and the attending penalty. Given that his probation is 15 years, I am guessing that the sentence would have been at least that long. He is risking many years in prison, so he needs to get an attorney quickly.
PRISON. No felon in any state is allowed to have a firearm. He should never have gone near it, no matter what.
prison.they will probably revoke his probationand make him serve it in jail.now the other charge will probably carry jail too
A one way ticket to PRISON.
I don't know. States all have different laws. Have you called a lawyer? If not, do it ASAP.

Good luck.
It is illegal for any person convicted of a felony to possess, receive, or transport any firearm in any state. But if you'd like reference for Georgia specifically, I linked the source.
First of all, "bunch of bull". Since i wasnt born last night, im not inclined to believe that one. As far as his "going to get his rifle, not knowing he wasnt allowed to have it", THATS a bunch of bull. If he is that stupid, let him do his time. And as far as you go, do the country a favor, DONT HAVE CHILDREN, in case they turn out like you or your bf.
Do the crime do the time, Why are you hanging around a convicted child abuser? He said its bull. must have been enough evidence to convince the courtHe know he did wrong..Cant feel sorry I am a grand Pa and child abuser s suck..
He'll have to finish his any time he may have had ( probation usually doesn't have any) and what ever time he is given from this charge.
I suggest that your friend has violated the terms of his probation and faces a possible stay in jail. I know of no state that allows convicted felons to posses a fire arm. If his probation is revoked, he will start serving his 15 year sentence. May I suggest that you evaluate your relationship with this felon.

What is the penalty for possesion of .4 OZ of Marijuana, Possesion of Marijuana With Intent to Distribute...?

What is the penalty for possesion of .4 OZ of Marijuana, Possesion of Marijuana With Intent to Distribute at a school, Possesion of Drug Parafanailia at a school, and theft at a school. (In Georgia?)
possesion of .4 OZ of Marijuana [first offense is a misdemeanor, probation, no fine, 6 months driver license suspended (can be sentenced to 1 year)]

Possesion of Marijuana With Intent to Distribute at a school[first offense within 1000 feet of school is felony, 20 years prison, $20,000 fine]

Possesion of Drug Parafanailia at a school [?]

theft at a school. [depends on the value of the stolen item]
You should be able to fight the pos. w/ intent charge, seeing as how it's less than an ounce.

You're probably going to get massive fines, possibly jail time. Enjoy, kid. Hope this teaches you to smoke at home, not in class..

See it's this kind of shi...er...CRAP that is making our efforts to legalize/decriminalize even more difficult.


We DO NOT want CHILDREN to smoke...grown adults want the choice to smoke or not...

Not all people in the US are raging alcoholics who like to drink alcohol!!!


Get a damn good lawyer...you are going to need it....

DUH....that's all I can say...
its quite serious there so if your caught the get a good attorney

Sale or possession

%26lt;1 oz: 0-1; $1,000
(For%26lt;1 oz, if arrested in a municipality you can choose to appear in city court instead of state court: maximum 60 days; $500.)
%26gt;1 oz.: 1-10: $1,000
%26gt;5 lb.: 3 M; $25,000
%26gt;100 lb.: 5 M; $50,000
%26gt;500 lb.: 15 M; $100,000

Possession of paraphernalia: 0-1; $1,000

Cultivation: up to 10; $100,000

Trafficking: see sale or possession

Use of a communications facility ( including mail and telephone) in committing drug felony may add 1-4; $30,000

Sale with 1000 ft. of school, public park, public housing project: up to 20; $20,000

Driver;s license suspension: 6 months
(reinstatement only with treatment)
Professional licenses suspension
Second drug felony is punishable by life in prison.

hope this answers your question
because it was in a school zone you will be facing jail time 6mo to 1yr, which will most likely be on probation, and a drug diversion class (which will cost about 2500 - 5000). if it was only a quarter why the intent charge? that must have been total weight in separate baggies, people like you will make it impossible to ever legalize it. you better hope the judge gets laid the night before!!

What is the Penalty for Plagerizing someone else's work? Is there a Penalty?

Well if you are in a school setting then if caught you will most likely get an F. If you are at work you might be fired, and if the plagerizasm is serious enough than yes you can be sued.
If you take someones else's words from another book and put it into your own and publish it and you don't list the source from where you got it and ask their permission before doing it you can be sued.
Na, its the america way

What is the penalty for leaving an accident in orange county ca?

car was undrivable and hazards were on- when i left to use the phone with the person who was in the other car- we both were not injured-when i returned the car was towed and the other driver was gone- he got a dui- i am looking for my car now - what should i do- knowledgable credible answers only please!
Leaving the scene of an accident is not a crime. What is a crime is failing to identify yourself with name and address (and drivers license and registration if requested) to the other driver. (Veh. Code sec. 20002.) Did you fail to do that? Were you prevented from doing that?

Frankly, under these circumstances it would be a pretty ticky-tack prosecution. If you had somebody from the other car with you, you were obviously not trying to avoid responsibility. (Of course, right now a prosecutor would not know the circumstances.) The most important thing you can do now is try to get your vehicle out of impound--those charges are exorbitant--and contact the police and let them know why you were not there when they were.
You left the scene of an accident to use the phone? Even before everyone in the world didn't have a cell-phone, that wouldn't hold water before a judge! Get a lawyer and turn yourself in.

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