Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What is the punishment for someone who embezzled $300,000 from their company? It is their first time offense.?

First offense or not........someone is in a whole heap of trouble.
can i barrow some money?
according to Islam ,should cut his hand
Less than the guy caught smoking weed for the third time.
A women in Iowa did that with the same amount of money. She got ten years. That was her first offense too. But because of her first offense, she recieved a lesser charge and only got probation. Depends on the Judge. If by Jury it could be different. So what does this tell you ? If your the one who is guilty of first offense embezzelment, of this large amount of money, then hopefully, you realize the horrible crime you have committed. In some countries the hands would be chopped off. The worse thing is the ruined reputation. Never to be trusted again.
hard time or probation depending on the judge assigned to the case. more than likely though they'll end up doing at least some time behind bars because of the hefty amount that was ripped off by the defendant regardless if it was their first offense. it's an offense nonetheless and that in itself is unlawful.

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