Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What is the position on capital punishment/death penalty?

Your question is not clear.
We need more of it.

3rd felony and you're wiped out.

You can accidentally commit one felony. I can understand if you do two on accident. 3 felonies and you're nothing but a bad mark on society who contributes nothing but giving police and prison guards jobs.
abortions are murder, but war and capital punishment are gods will
Your question makes NO sense. The only positions I know of are they can ly down and get leathal injection or sit in the electric chair, or stand with a rope around their neck.
I feel that it doesn't really accomplish anything. I understand that it's human nature to want revenge especially for those who commit very despicable crimes like raping and murdering children, but if we as a society want to evolve and distant ourselves from primitiveness we must abolish the death penalty because it perpetuates a cycle of violence that's deeply rooted in animalistic instincts. Also you can't fight barbarism with barbarism. It's not the message we want to send to future generations.
A total waste of money, court time, financial resources, and intelligence. In short: its stupid.

Give them life without parole or probation. Then they have to survive in a jungle every day for the rest of their lives, instead of hanging out in solitary confinement on death row for decades, waiting to die.
I am a supporter of capital punishment. After 21 years in law enforcement I know there are people out there who are truly evil and enjoy hurting others. Do I think the man who accidentally kills someone when he is drunk or the person who kills during a crime of passion deserve the death penalty, no. But the person who kills simply for the thrill of seeing someone die, the robber who kills everyone in the business so there are no witnesses, or the hired killer with no regard for human life...yes. They can never be rehabilitated or become postive contributors to society. Why should we pay for their upkeep, food, clothing, and medicine? In 2001 the lowest average cost per inmate was $8,100 in Alabama...the highest $44,300 in Maine. Average cost was $22,600 per inmate. I hate to think how much it is costing consumers in this day and time. That money could better be spent to help victims' families or rehabilitate juvenile offenders.
I like Cricket's answer.

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