Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What is the punishment, under law, if someone posts your picture on the internet without your consent or sends

it in emails???
Your punishment is having naked pictures on the web. Whats the question?
I don't think there is any law or punishment for doing that.

If it was a professional copyrighted photo, then maybe, but otherwise, don't think a problem with doing so without consent.

If you stupidly posed for a naked picture... then it would be an embarrassment, probably, but not punishable unless copyrighted. Me thinks.
an insult?
No punishment as it is no crime.
Depending of course that your privacy was not being violated when the photo was taken and the nature of the photo does not imply a falsehood about you or is an unneccessary attack on your character.
it depends on what country you are in , in many places its a civil matter , its a copyright violation , or a violation of the right of publicity.

If its a picture taken without consent it may be a criminal matter of assualt.
There is no provision in the criminal codes about this unless it is copyrighted. But you can get a lawyer to send letter to them telling them to take it down. If after this letter it is not taken down you can pursue civil leagal action (suing them)
it should fall under the the same laws to the right to privicy.

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