Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What is the statute of limitations for a felony in utah?

Depends on the felony.

Why? What did you do?
Yeah.......Why? What are you planning to do?
This is a question that is best put before an attorney. I would suggest contacting a criminal attorney in your area and asking him/her. Sometimes they even work on Saturdays. If you call a prosecutor, they'll want to needle you down to the name of the party, etc., so I would call a defense attorney or there are websites like "ask an attorney", etc.

I would maybe find one of those sites so you can anonymously put in your information and the felony type you're referring to and ask your question.

Hope this helps.
You'll have to be more specific. It depends on the felony, and which class. For example, there is no statute of limitation for murder or voluntary manslaughter in any state. Check with your local library in the reference section.

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